10 Things other Pilots do wrong
We’ve all got our pet peeves when it comes to our fellow pilots. Maybe it’s the “helpful” right-seater who can’t keep off the controls. Or the clueless guy whose prop blast generates a category five hurricane in your hangar whenever he taxis by.
Well, here’s your chance to air your grievances. Join the Air Safety Foundation for an eye-opening look at the top 10 things you and fellow pilots have told us drive you nuts about other pilots. You’ll laugh, learn how these pet peeves relate to safety, and – just maybe – you’ll gain a new perspective on your own (undoubtedly minor) imperfections!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Hilton Hotel & Conf. Center
500 Powder Springs Street
Marietta, GA 30064
Hilton Hotel & Conf. Center
500 Powder Springs Street
Marietta, GA 30064