“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”
Jim Rhom
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Tag Archives: aircraft
Where is the Wind?
Every month I’m like a child at Christmas anxiously awaiting my new copy of “Flight Training” magazine. http://flighttraining.aopa.org/magazine As soon as I open it I like to quickly scan cover to cover to see what highlights catch my eyes. Then I will start back over on page one intensely taking in every story.
Today as I was reading the latest issue I came across the story “Phantom Wind, correcting for […]
Posted in Aviation Articles
Tagged air plane, aircraft, airlines, airplane, airplane. air plane, airport, airshow. air show, ATP, aviation, Aviation Articles, business aviation, Corporate charter, faa, flight instructor, flight lessons, flight school, fly in, general aviation, landing, pilot, plane, private pilot, VFR
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“Preventive Maintenance and the Owner/Operator”
Come join us at the Aircraft Spruce & Specialty fly-in and super sale for an interesting and informative discussion on what pilots and owners can legally do as far as preventive maintenance on their aircraft is concerned.