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Contact Tommy Eldridge for more information

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Commercializing the Paulding NorthWest Atlanta Airport

Commercializing the Paulding NorthWest Atlanta Airport

The Paulding NorthWest Atlanta airport vs. Silver comet field vs. the Paulding county residences.

Disagreement has been a part of life since the beginning of mankind. As far back as you can go in time you will find many types of disputes in an array of topics. People will form an opinion and/or ideas that won’t always attract 100% support among all parties involved.  This is something that we can all see in our current administration and their introduction of the new “Affordable Care Act” aka “Obama Care”. There are certainly a ton of different views points that have surfaced over this matter.

KPUJ pic

One such dispute (not quit on the same scale) has begun in my home town with the introduction of transitioning our local airport, the Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport to the Silver Comet Field. The proposal will transform the airport from a general aviation airport to a commercial airport offering commercial flights to some major designated tourist towns.

This proposal, however, has sparked major debate from both supporters and non-supporters in the area. Some of the local residence have started the Face book page “Stop Paulding County Airport Expansion” and the web page www.protectpaulding.com and www.savepauldingco.com. Likewise, pro-airport petitioners have started a Face book page in support at “Support Silver Comet Field at Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport”.  1385638_461889487253459_1984920441_n

Personally I can see both pros and cons of this intended venture. Supporters claim that it will bring jobs and will also help to stimulate local economy while non-supporters claim a decrease in home value and a rise in taxes. Because I am close friends with some parties from both sides I am not going to share my personal feelings. I will say, however, that I see holes in the claims of both sides.

If you live or have lived close to a commercial airport I would like to know your thoughts and experiences of that time. Did you see job grow? Did the property value drop or increase? What other changes did you recognize that could be associated with the commercial airport?

Thank you reading. Please give me your feed back

Tommy Eldridge

Private Pilot Inisder

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Private Pilot Insider is an international web page which is viewed by many every month.  I am offering 2 advertising spots in the right hand side bar at NO CHARGE!

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Tommy Eldridge


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3rd class medical

It’s time for my 3rd class medical.

Well it’s about that time again to get my 3rd class aviation medical examination. I have always had to get one every two years even after the law changed allowing anyone under 40 to extend their visit to once every 5 years. I guess it’s not that bad of a deal, however. I have a small, one doctor medical office I have been using formedical years which caters in part to the aviation field. During my previous visits I have met commercial pilots from both Delta and AirTran as I have sat waiting for my results. I have not fortunately had to experience a 2nd or even 1st class exam yet as I do not fly for compensation.

I have a fond memory which comes back to mind every time I go. I will never forget my first time. I had expected a thorough physical complete with blood work and everything. After all, I would be at the yoke of an aircraft possibility carrying passengers. I would have other people’s lives in my hands. People who at times would have no idea how to land that plane if something were to happen to me so I must be fit!

973d9fba3ca7b729cb5943fe112992d1As I sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office I somehow expected it to be a little different but, it was nothing more than my general practitioners office. I remember the Doctor, he loved to talk airplanes although I didn’t respond too much then because of my lack of aviation knowledge (not that I know that much now). The test was pretty cut and dry. He asked me how I felt, asked me to read an eye chart and that was about the extent of it…….. Boy, did I feel like I got my monies worth, LOL.

I have to say that the doctor that I use now does a much better job. It’s still to me not an adequate test but, coupled with a yearly physical at my personal physician’s office I can fly more comfortably.

If you have a funny or interesting medical exam story I would like to hear it. Please post it at the bottom and if you have enjoyed this post then please consider sharing. Thank you for taking the time to read.


Thank you,
Tommy Eldridge
Private Pilot insider

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Tragedy in Georgia

A Tragedy in Georgia


24246334_BG4It is always sad to hear of any aircraft mishaps especially when it results in a fatality but it seems a little more personal when it’s in your own back yard.

There was 2 fatalities in a small private jet crash northwest of Atlanta on Tuesday night December 17th. That is just a few short mile east of my home airport, The Paulding Northwest Atlanta airport.

According to the FAA, the flight departed from the Fulton County Airport and was headed for the New Orleans Lakefront Airport. The aircraft was a Raytheon 390 Premier jet which crashed just after 7 p.m.

A Medical Examiner identified one of the victims as Peter Mallen, 67, of Atlanta. Peter was CEO of the Norcross-based Mallen Industries. The second victim was identified as Brittany McAuley, 23, of New York and a former Emory University student.

It looked as if it was headed straight towards some local homes but according to an eye witness it appeared as if the pilot made a deliberate turn to the left just before the plane hit the trees. No homes were struck by the plane according to the fire department.

Officials are still currently investigating the cause of the crash.Raytheon-390-Premier


Tommy Eldridge


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