Local pilot helps students achieve dreams of aviation

Henderson Aviation’s newest flight instructor, Mo Holcombe, is bringing 25 years of flight experience to his lessons with local aviation enthusiasts.

“I was born looking up,” said Holcombe. “I was always fascinated with airplanes and actually had my head in the clouds looking for all the different types of airplanes.”

Holcombe said that he fulfilled those dreams of aviation when he first began flying in 1985.

“When I was sixteen,” he said, “I went to work, saving every dime from [my] job painting houses to pay for flying lessons.”

That passion for aviation has stuck with Holcombe for the 25 years since he first sat in a cockpit, he said.

“Flying is more than a love for me- it’s a passion. It’s a passion that some don’t understand. There is an aviation proverb… [that] describes me with aviation perfectly. ‘When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long to return.’”

Holcombe said that his love affair with aviation has taken him to General Aviation and to Delta Airlines, and now to Henderson Aviation in Calhoun as a flight instructor.

The appeal of instructing aviation to students, said Holcombe, is watching his students fall in love with flight.

“It is my job to keep you, the student, interested in what it is I am trying to teach,” he said. “If I can make flying exciting to the student, I think my students will discover and fall in love with same things that I fell in love with about aviation.”

Holcombe’s first summer at Henderson Aviation has proven fruitful, he said; he already has two students, and is anticipating more.

Taking flight lessons in Calhoun has its benefits, he said, as opposed to lessons in the metropolitan area.

“Calhoun airspace is not controlled,” he said, “so you don’t waste as much time working around that red tape, and therefore we can offer cheaper lessons.”

“We can work around a student’s needs,” said Holcombe. “We want to know what a student wants to do with flying- every student is different, and we’re prepared to handle that.”

Holcombe said that his students get the benefits of learning in a structured environment at a small-town price.

“Our current program is $8,000 for 60 hours.” he said. “Prices at larger schools can range up to $20,000, and you’re not going to get this much personalized instruction at a larger school.”

Outside of the metro-Atlanta area, said Holcombe, flight students can get more one-on-one instruction.

“This is fast-paced instruction,” he said. “It’s personalized… we tailor instruction to the strengths and weaknesses of each student. Here it’s all about the love of flight, about a sense of fun. And when you go to a lot of these big places, you lose that sense of fun.”

Holcombe mentioned that he is running a special in conjunction with summer flight experience.

“I’m offering a free pilots log book and ½ hour of ground instruction when [you] fly with [me] for a one hour orientation flight,” he said. “Orientation flights cost $160.00 for one hour. This will make a great gift idea and can also be put into a gift certificate.”

Where flight instruction will take him, Holcombe said, he does not know. But, he said, he is sure of his love of flight.

“I have heard it said that flying is more addictive that drugs,” he said. “I do not know about the drugs, but I know that I am addicted to flying.”

If you would like more information about flying or would like to schedule your first flight, Mo Holcombe can be reached at 770-256-4050 or e-mail at moholcombe@clear.net. also for more information go to www.hendersonaviation.net.

by Sarah Welty. Calhoun Times 

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“The Skipper” and a man’s dream to fly.

My adventures started just over a year ago when a friend of mine was losing a partner in
a Piper Arrow.  The group of four didn’t want to go to three for cost reasons, so they
were looking for someone interested.  One of the partners is a CFII and agreed to
instruct me at a very reasonable price. Additionally, the group gave me a very attractive
“rental” rate to learn in with the intent that I would buy in after I received my ticket.
  Getting the ticket went very well.  It did take me about 60 hours and I think that was
in part because I started in a complex aircraft instead of a nice slow 152.   I received
my private pilot’s license in November of 2009.  I immediately began working on my
instrument rating.  I took ground school at the local FBO and passed the written with
flying colors – and even went on pass my instrument ground as well.

Well, some things don’t always work out for the best and needless to say, I ended up
walking from the group.  I had received over 40 hours of dual inst. training and was very
close to my check ride.  I dread learning it ‘over’ again as I was so comfortable with the
panel (Garmin 430w), the plane, the autopilot, etc…   Also, since I was given such a
great deal, I know I would not be able to afford the rack rates for a rental IFR plane
and instructor (I was paying $15/hour for instruction and $20/hour for the airplane +

Out of frustration and the want to simply be
in the air, I stumbled on this Beech Skipper
that was for sale locally.   The owner had recent
receipts for over $20K invested in the
airplane during the past 1.5 years including
mags, instruments overhauled, new Airtex
leather seating, new carpet, new seatbelts, all new windows around, new JPI engine
monitoring w/ fuel flow, new Garmin 496 w/ XM, headsets, new wingtips, new tail cone, etc. The engine had only 450 hours time since major overhaul. He needed to dump it and was willing to take $17,000 for everything. I jumped on it and have been flying it all summer.   It only burns 6 GPH and is very fun to fly.   Sure miss the Arrow for actual trips, but nothing like the Skipper for taking a friend up for local sight seeing.
  And at that price, can’t hurt me too much!  Only cruises around 100 Knts unless you have good wind at the rear, but the visibility is great.

I still am really bummed about not getting to finish the instructing before the bomb
exploded at the club, so I will have to devise a plane in the future.  I think I can
still get the instructor cheap, but that isn’t what I need at this point.  I just need
lots of practice getting on with the controllers and flying approaches.   I have
considered trying to borrow the money to get the Skipper certified, but think it will
probably be too costly 🙁 .   That way I could do a ton of practice at a cheap rate.

I currently put the Skipper on leaseback at Solo to see if that could cover some

Oh, the other reason I got the Skipper because my 14 year old wants to learn soon.  He
has already taken some lessons and really enjoys it.  His goal is to solo on his 16th

Here is a video of him taking off in the Skipper:

I sure do enjoy the flying!!!

By: Andrew E

A special thanks to Andy for sharing your passion of flying and the story of “The Skipper”.

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Pilots Oppose Privatizing Briscoe Field

A group of single-engine planes are parked on the ramp at Gwinnett County’s Briscoe Field. These planes represent the bulk of the airport’s traffic. Jim Burress, WABE

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA (WABE) – The Lawrenceville City Council Monday is expected oppose commercial passenger service at nearby Briscoe Field. Gwinnett residents have expressed concern that commercial traffic would be too noisy and increase traffic congestion. But what do pilots think about the proposal? WABE’s Jim Burress visited the Gwinnett airport this weekend to find out.

A small helicopter takes off from the far end of Briscoe Field, while the control tower instructs a plane how to enter the landing pattern. “… a left downwind for runway 2-5,” skwaks the tower.

It’s a slow morning at Gwinnett County’s airport. And that’s how private pilot Lewis Likens likes it.

“It’s usually pretty easy to fly in and out of here without much of a wait at all,” Likens said.

That could change under a proposal that one day might bring commercial traffic to Gwinnett. Likens is ambivalent. He says he wants to hear more before making up his mind.

“So I don’t want to be a gloom and doomer and say that well, commercialization or privatization is going to kill the airport, because I just don’t know.”

As a plane prepares to taxi at a nearby hanger, pilot Joel Lavine said the idea of eventual commercial service here doesn’t make sense.

“…and ‘commercial’ is the right word,” he concludes. “They [Gwinnett County officials] use ‘privatization.’ But the truth is when they start talking about 10 gates, they can never make it financially feasible. They’d have to move it up to 20, and then who knows,” he said.

And that’s if an airline, like Southwest or JetBlue, would come. Pilot Dewayne Huff doubts it.

“Other people who have talked to me and said they’re not interested coming in here, so I don’t know who they really would get as an airline that would come in as an airline and do this,” Huff said.

Still, several Gwinnett County officials back the idea, and it could be a lucrative venture. Propeller Investments of New York this month submitted a plan for taking Briscoe private and developing commercial service up and down the East coast.

Other investors can submit proposals through Aug. 16th.

Federal Regulators would first have to rubber-stamp any deal.

Jim Burress, WABE News.
© Copyright 2010, WABE

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Minimum Descent Altitude and How to Get There

In the Pilotworkshops.com IFR Proficiency series, titled “Descending on a non precision approach” respected flight instructor Rod Machado explains the benefit of descending to MDA early on non precision approaches. Rod makes the point that getting to the minimum descent altitude (MDA) prior to the visual descent point (VDP) allows the pilot a greater opportunity to see the required visual references during low visibility and therefore a better chance of landing. Rod advocates a dive and drive technique rather than a stabilized approach that plans to reach MDA at or near the VDP. He further advocates, in some cases, descending below the GPS advisory vertical guidance where available to get to MDA sooner.

While I realize disagreeing with Rod Machado about flying is like arguing with the Pope about religion, I would like to present a case for making all of our approaches as stabilized as possible and never descending below the GPS advisory vertical guidance when executing a non precision approach.

It is, of course necessary, to arrive at MDA in time to make a normal approach and landing but, in my view, there is little advantage to being there well before the VDP. This simply puts the pilot in the most dangerous area of the approach for a longer time. Yes, charted minimums provide protection but, a mistake at MDA gives little time for correction while a mistake at a higher altitude leaves greater margin. The lower one goes, the greater chance of hitting things that are fastened to the ground, therefore why be in such a hurry to get down there.

I prefer to begin my descent with a good solid 750 FPM. Since that is typically more than needed, I can shallow the descent as I approach MDA and the VDP if one is available. Then as I break out, I merely adjust my descent for landing as I would on any approach. In my view, this makes a much more stabilized approach. While the dive and drive technique may get you in one day when the visibility is at the very minimum, I am happy to give up that small advantage for the benefit of a more stabilized approach. A dive and drive approach is by definition unstable at least until the VDP.

Should the approach have an advisory glide slope as many do now, as an instructor, I would not teach to deliberately fly below it. First of all teaching to fly below a glide slope is just encouraging a bad habit and not a good thing to teach. Further we know that approaches with vertical guidance have less risk than those without vertical guidance so why give up a margin of safety if you can avoid it.

History has shown that non precision approaches with step down procedures, that is, intermediate level offs prior to MDA, are the most dangerous. Following the advisory glide slope if available will guarantee that one complies with those restrictions. That, if nothing else, will keep me on that glide slope.

So with all due respect to the Pope of our church of flying things, I prefer to make a stabilized approach adjusting my descent to arrive at MDA as near to the VDP as possible and do  not advocate deliberately going below the advisory glide slope.

by Wally Moran

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Practical Test Standards

By Bob Martens with Pilot workshops

As we continually build upon the foundation that supports our aviation activities, I fear that many of us are neglecting a very important cornerstone.

The Practical Test Standards (PTS) are the basis for all training and evaluation in the US, yet few know where they are, what they say, or most importantly, how they can save lives.

The great news is that they are readily available FOR FREE, on line, they are very easy to read and understand, and every one of us can integrate them into our daily flying. If it sounds too good to be true, it isn’t.

OK, you ask, what’s the catch? How come everyone has not embraced this marvelous tool to the betterment of aviation? Two small issues I will admit to right up front. They are not perfect and they train to a minimum standard.

Why, you might ask, would we ever train to a minimum standard? Doesn’t that guarantee mediocrity? Should we be looking for maximum rather than minimum performance? Absolutely YES!

But, we humans are, by nature, flawed creatures, and while we strive for perfection in our flying, it hasn’t happened just yet. However, this imperfect system does provide us a proven framework for conducting safe flight activities throughout our aviation careers. It works. There is no good reason to turn our backs on this tremendous tool.

So, how do they work? The answer is very simple. By regulation, every flight evaluation in the US is conducted in accordance with the PTS. Meet the standard, you pass, fail to meet the standard, you don’t pass. Since evaluations are conducted to measure training effectiveness, all training SHOULD mirror the PTS.

This is where our system starts to break down. ALL CFI’s should be conducting training that integrates the PTS into every flight. If this were the case, every pilot would know and understand the PTS. How many pilots really master understand the PTS?

Visit the FAA web site and take a look. Some great stuff there.


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