It’s time for my 3rd class medical.
Well it’s about that time again to get my 3rd class aviation medical examination. I have always had to get one every two years even after the law changed allowing anyone under 40 to extend their visit to once every 5 years. I guess it’s not that bad of a deal, however. I have a small, one doctor medical office I have been using for years which caters in part to the aviation field. During my previous visits I have met commercial pilots from both Delta and AirTran as I have sat waiting for my results. I have not fortunately had to experience a 2nd or even 1st class exam yet as I do not fly for compensation.
I have a fond memory which comes back to mind every time I go. I will never forget my first time. I had expected a thorough physical complete with blood work and everything. After all, I would be at the yoke of an aircraft possibility carrying passengers. I would have other people’s lives in my hands. People who at times would have no idea how to land that plane if something were to happen to me so I must be fit!
As I sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office I somehow expected it to be a little different but, it was nothing more than my general practitioners office. I remember the Doctor, he loved to talk airplanes although I didn’t respond too much then because of my lack of aviation knowledge (not that I know that much now). The test was pretty cut and dry. He asked me how I felt, asked me to read an eye chart and that was about the extent of it…….. Boy, did I feel like I got my monies worth, LOL.
I have to say that the doctor that I use now does a much better job. It’s still to me not an adequate test but, coupled with a yearly physical at my personal physician’s office I can fly more comfortably.
If you have a funny or interesting medical exam story I would like to hear it. Please post it at the bottom and if you have enjoyed this post then please consider sharing. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Thank you,
Tommy Eldridge
Private Pilot insider