Aviation Moving Map GPS

What’s being said about the iFly 700?


Another avionics gadget generating major buzz is the iFly 700 from Adventure Pilot. What would you pay for a seven-inch touch-screen-display GPS that overlays course lines, does flight planning and presents vital navigational info—all on top of an official full-color, high-resolution FAA sectional display?

What if it also came loaded with IFR low en route charts? And gave you constantly updated airspeed, track and altitude readouts? Imagine tapping airport icons to see course lines drawn to them, with pop-up menus to choose them as waypoints or destinations, or show you complete AFD airport info. Scroll through the sectional by dragging a fingertip on the display, tap to switch to another sectional and drag a route line to avoid a TFR—so intuitive, so easy in flight.

The software whizbrains behind this wonder have done complex programming for years for companies like Orbitz. The product will mature rapidly with updates and enhancements (WX & ADS-B support coming), and user feedback is enthusiastically sought. Toss in a $69/year subscription for all updates. Now what’s that worth to you? $549? Deal! Visit www.ifly700.com.



AOPA – Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association


iFly 700


Who: Adventure Pilot iFly 700
What: Moving map GPS
Where: www.iFly700.com
Why: A handheld GPS doesn’t have to break the bank
Cost: $549 plus $69 a year in chart updates


  • Inexpensive
  • Great display
  • Easy user interface

Believe it or not, there are options out there for a handheld GPS with full functionality for less than $600. The iFly 700 from Adventure Pilot is a great example.


Featuring a seven-inch touch-screen display, a full suite of approach plates, and IFR and VFR charts, the iFly 700 is a robust package for a great price. Route planning is quick and easy, and the screen is very responsive. Buttons on the main map page take you anywhere you want to go in the unit, and the menu system is logical and well organized.


We tested the iFly 700 on a sunny day in a Diamond DA40, reasoning that if glare ever was going to be an issue, that would have been the day. But the iFly 700 performed well. The display shows the actual sectional or en route chart, which makes it easy to follow along. The history of the airplane’s ground track was shown automatically, a great flight-training tool.


The iFly 700 comes with a large suction-cup mounting bracket or an optional yoke mount



The IFly 700 GPS

The most affordable – full featured aviation (and now automotive) GPS available

Private Pilot Insider is proud to announce that we are now distributors of the I Fly 700 GPS by Adventure Pilot.

The iFly 700™ by Adventure Pilot ™ is the most affordable, 7´´touch screen moving-map GPS. Designed for private pilots, by private pilots; the new iFly 700™ GPS is the perfect combination of affordability, capability, and usability.


For more information or to order an IFLY 700 GPS Call or e-mail

Tommy Eldridge @ 404-642-5306 or e-mail at tommy@

Michael Mendenhall @ 678-733-0148 or e-mail at mike@


IFly 700 GPS Flight Planning

One-touch “Direct-to” flight planning

  • Supports multi-leg flight plans
  • Rubber-band route line modifications (touch & drag a route line to make a change)
  • Save/Load/Reverse flight plans
  • Flight plan automatically saved/restored between power cycles. So you can plan your flight at home, turn off the device, take it to your plane, plug it in, and your flight plan and map is all ready-to-go
  • Bright magenta route lines
  • Ability to search for airports by code, airport name, or city name


I Fly 700 GPS Detailed Airport Information

Search for nearby airports

  • Geo-data
  • Public/private
  • Attendance schedule
  • Common, ATC, and other communication frequencies
  • Runway(s) type, condition, lighting, gradient, markings, etc
  • Traffic patterns
  • Available IFR equipment
  • Obstructions
  • Any additional FAA remarks

IFly 700 GPS Exhaustive FAA Charts

I Fly 700 GPS Includes all STAR, Approach and Departure Charts

  • Includes airport taxi diagrams, FAA Charts
  • “History” button allows toggling between the maps and recently viewed plates
  • Touch-sensitive panning and zooming
  • Easy to update charts through the website


I Fly 700 GPs Intuitive Interface

UI designed the way you think, very easy to figure out

  • Buttons fade away when not in use, maximizing map visibility
  • Plug & fly (Fast boot, quick GPS sync)
  • Big buttons throughout, making it easy to use even in the bumpy flights
  • Zoom levels from 2 to 100 NM per inch
  • Clear warnings if any sectionals are expired
  • Touch-n-drag scrolling
  • Single-touch to zoom in/out
  • Single-touch to re-center & track current location
  • Single-touch to switch which sectional is being displayed


The IFly 700 offers much, much more!  Contact Private Pilot insider for a hands-on demonstration.

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