Pastor Matt Evans of Dalton, GA is in need of transportation between KDNN – DALTON MUN, GA and KLGA – LA GUARDIA, NY. Pastor Evans wife Beth Evans has a rare blood disease and is currently living in New York awaiting a bone marrow transplant. Pastor Evans needs to be home in Dalton on Thursday for a church service and broadcast for Sunday AM. The Evans has two young boys they adopted this past spring from Ethiopia that he needs to spend time with as well. We are looking for anyone who has a plane that would be willing to donate your time and aircraft or if you have an airplane you would be willing to donate time in we have a commercial pilot who has offered his time to fly pastor Evans for free. If you can help or may know someone who can please call Angie at 1-706-463-6877 or e-mail Tommy at tommy@
Thank you and my God bless you,
Tommy Eldridge