10 Things Other Pilots Do Wrong.
1) Airport Airheads.
* Prop Blast.
* Blinding strobes at night.
* Thoughtless tactics. (Rental or flight school air craft)
-2000 RPM cold starts.
-Throttle slam.
-Unnecessary door slam.
*Blocking Taxiway. (This may be a problem, However do not allow the “Hurry up” mentality to cause you to skip a run up)
2) Pet Peeves
*Pilots not listening before calling. Just stop and listen!
*Too much position reporting.
*Too much chatting
3) Pattern Predicaments.
*Strung out legs.
*Too tight of pattern.
*The Failure to us proper aviation terminology.
4) Right seat pilots.
*The right seat passenger grabbing the yoke or resting there feet on the pedal.
5) Tiffs of technique.
*Starts engine by the book.
*Lean for taxi-follow the check list.
*Taxi speed- A brisk walk.
*Positive rate and gear up after useful runway.
*Trimming in flare.
6) Epic Ego.
*”I can do anything”.
*”You’re dumb, you don’t know anything”.
7) Rental ridiculousness
*Well kept aircraft perceptions.
8 ) ATC “Quick Talk”.
*Correct phraseology.
*Pilots not using there full call signs.
*Not thinking before they talk.
9) Instructor Scrubs
*Student/instructor respect.
10) Too much Timidity.
*Take small steps, don’t be bold.
The Source of this information is by Steve Frahm with Air Safety Foundation in a pilots training seminar titled “10 things other pilots do wrong”. I encourage every pilot to further their knowledge and training. AOPA (Aircraft owners and Pilots association.) is a great resource for this training.